Pray for the unengaged unreached people groups (UUPGs)
- IMB PrayerThreads

Develop strategies to embrace UUPGs

Partner with others to engage UUPGs

Good Research Leads to Informed Actions

Knowing about people groups around the world is just the beginning. Good research leads to informed actions and strategies that have a positive impact on the Great Commission that calls us to make disciples of all peoples and start new churches among them.

As you browse through, you will undoubtedly feel overwhelmed by the multitude of the unreached peoples, global challenges facing our world today and the urgency of finishing the task.

We invite you to join us in embracing the ends of the earth through praying, reaching and partnering with others. It is our prayer that engaging unreached people groups will one day lead to church-planting movements without encountering barriers to understanding or acceptance.

* Scott Holste in Discovering the Mission of God,
(p. 324).