People groups: 22

Population: 13,701,100

Unreached people groups: 19

UPG population: 13,675,700

Unengaged UPGs: 3

UUPG population: 972,000

Number of countries: 3

Affinity Bloc: Malay Peoples

Overview: Sulawesi is the world's eleventh largest island and Indonesia's fourth largest island. The Bugis are an Austronesian ethnic group and the largest of three major linguistic and ethnic groups in southern Sulawesi. The Makassar are the second largest linguistic and ethnic group in southern Sulawesi. Several smaller groups in southern Sulawesi round out the Bugi-Makassar of Sulawesi people cluster.

Peoples within this cluster: Aralle-Tabulahan; Bentong; Bugis; Campalagian; Dakka; Duri; Enrekang; Kodeoha; Konjo Pegunungan; Konjo Pesisir; Luwu; Makassar; Mamuju; Mandar; Panasuan; Pannei; Seko Tengah; Selayar; Ulumanda; Wotu

Countries where they are found: Indonesia; Malaysia; Singapore

People groups: 22

Population: 13,701,100

Unreached people groups: 19

UPG population: 13,675,700

Unengaged UPGs: 3

UUPG population: 972,000

Number of countries: 3