People groups: 3

Population: 143,200

Unreached people groups: 2

UPG population: 7,200

Unengaged UPGs: 2

UUPG population: 7,200

Number of countries: 1

Affinity Bloc: East Asian Peoples

Overview: The Manchu are an Altaic people who used to dominate Manchuria, in northeastern China. In 1611, they conquered the whole of China, and Manchu emperors ruled China as the Qing Dynasty until 1912. During those three centuries the Manchu were largely absorbed into the Han Chinese, though they have retained some of their cultural distinctions.

  -- Patrick Johnstone, The Future of the Global Church, p. 184

Peoples within this cluster: Lu; Manchu; Saman

Countries where they are found: China

People groups: 3

Population: 143,200

Unreached people groups: 2

UPG population: 7,200

Unengaged UPGs: 2

UUPG population: 7,200

Number of countries: 1