Photo courtesy of Joshua Project. By Program Keluarga Harapan - Flickr
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People groups: 14
Population: 1,749,000
Unreached people groups: 0
UPG population: 0
Unengaged UPGs: 0
UUPG population: 0
Number of countries: 1
Affinity Bloc: Malay Peoples
Overview: Sulawesi is the world's eleventh largest island and Indonesia's fourth largest island. Minahasa and Sangir are two families of Malayo-Polynesian languages spoken throughout North Sulawesi. Christianity, Islam, and traditional religion are all practiced among the people groups that comprise the Minahasa-Sangir of Sulawesi people cluster.
Peoples within this cluster: Bantik; Bintauna; Mongondow; Ponasakan; Ratahan; Sangirese; Siau Sangirese; Tagulandang; Talaud; Tombulu Menadonese; Tondanou; Tonsawang; Tonsea; Tontemboa
Countries where they are found: Indonesia
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