Photo courtesy of Joshua Project. By Jimmy Tran - Shutterstock
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People groups: 25
Population: 18,317,000
Unreached people groups: 25
UPG population: 18,317,000
Unengaged UPGs: 7
UUPG population: 398,000
Number of countries: 3
Affinity Bloc: Southeast Asian Peoples
Overview: The Zhuang are an ethnic group predominantly found in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in southern China. Some also live in surrounding provinces of China and across the border into Vietnam. An official minority in China, by most estimates the Zhuang number around 18 million, establishing them as the largest minority people in China. In urban settings they are quickly assimilating with the Han Chinese and in many cases are indistinguishable from the Han Chinese.
Peoples within this cluster: Buyang; Dianbao; Nung, Highland; Pusha; Tay; Tulao; Zhuang, Central Hongshuihe; Zhuang, Central Yongbei; Zhuang, Dai; Zhuang, Eastern Hongshuihe; Zhuang, Eastern Yongbei; Zhuang, Guibei; Zhuang, Guibian; Zhuang, Lianshan; Zhuang, Liujiang; Zhuang, Liuqian; Zhuang, Minz; Zhuang, Nong; Zhuang, Qiubei; Zhuang, Western Yongbei; Zhuang, Yang; Zhuang, Yongnan; Zhuang, Youjiang; Zhuang, Zuojiang
Countries where they are found: China; United States; Vietnam
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