Photo courtesy of Joshua Project. By Montesclelia - Pixabay
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People groups: 38
Population: 10,997,175
Unreached people groups: 37
UPG population: 10,995,975
Unengaged UPGs: 16
UUPG population: 556,875
Number of countries: 13
Affinity Bloc: East Asian Peoples
Overview: The Mongolians are an Altaic people. Most live in Mongolia or in northern China along a 3,000 kilometer arc of territory south of Mongolia. Nine other, smaller groups of Mongol peoples live scattered across China--remnants of the Mongol armies that conquered the land in the 13th Century. Mongol emperors ruled China from 1294 to 1420. Some Mongols live in Russia around Lake Baikal and in the Caspian area of Russian Europe.
-- Patrick Johnstone, The Future of the Global Church, p. 184
Peoples within this cluster: Ati; Bogol; Bonan; Bonan, Tongren; Buriat, China; Buriat, Mongolia; Buriat, Russia; Daur; Daur, Western; Katso; Mongol, Alxa; Mongol, Khalka; Mongol, Khamnigan; Mongol, Qinghai; Mongol, Sichuan; Mongolian, Peripheral; Oirat, Western Mongul; Olot; Sart Kalmyk; Sogwo Arig; Torgut; Tu; Tusu
Countries where they are found: Austria; Canada; China; Czechia; Germany; Hungary; Kyrgyzstan; Mongolia; Russian Federation; Taiwan; United Kingdom; United States; Uzbekistan
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