People groups: 26

Population: 45,954,900

Unreached people groups: 23

UPG population: 44,105,800

Unengaged UPGs: 3

UUPG population: 6,266,000

Number of countries: 6

Affinity Bloc: Horn of Africa

Overview: The Oromo, who have also been known as the Galla, are a large ethnic cluster of peoples living from northeastern Ethiopia to east-central Kenya, as well as between the borders of Sudan and Somalia. Their language is part of the Eastern Cushitic branch of the Afro-Asiatic linguistic family. They are divided into numerous dialect subgroups but differences in dialect do not prevent the various Oromo groups from understanding one another. Sunni Islam is the most widely practiced religion.

  -- James S. Olson, The Peoples of Africa. London: Greenwood Press (1996), p. 467

Peoples within this cluster: Ajuran; Ariaal Rendille; Arsi; Borana; Guji; Ittu; Kereyu; Orma; Oromo, Azebu; Oromo, Gabra; Oromo, Garre; Oromo, Jima; Oromo, Macha; Oromo, Tulama; Oromo, Wallega; Oromo, Wallo; Rendille; Sakuye; Selale; Warday

Countries where they are found: Canada; Egypt; Ethiopia; Kenya; Sudan; United States

People groups: 26

Population: 45,954,900

Unreached people groups: 23

UPG population: 44,105,800

Unengaged UPGs: 3

UUPG population: 6,266,000

Number of countries: 6