People groups: 105
Population: 339,475
Unreached people groups: 5
UPG population: 6,400
Unengaged UPGs: 3
UUPG population: 4,800
Number of countries: 3
Affinity Bloc: Pacific Islanders
Overview: The Vanuatu people cluster encompasses numerous small people groups that inhabit the island nation of Vanuatu in the South Pacific. Almost half of these people groups number less than 1,500 people, yet they are linguistically diverse. More than 100 languages, mostly of Malayo-Polynesian origins, are still spoken in Vanuatu.
Peoples within this cluster: Ahamb; Akei; Ambae, East; Ambae, West; Amblong; Ambrym, Southeast; Aneityumese; Araki; Atchin; Aulua Bay; Baetora; Baiap; Baki; Bierebo; Bieria; Bislama Creole; Burmbar; Butmas-Tur; Central Maewo; Central Raga; Craig Cove; Dixon Reef; Erromangan; Fortsenal; Hano, Lamalanga; Katbol; Koro; Kwamera; Lakon; Lamenu; Lametin; Larevat; Lehali; Lehalurup; Lenakel; Lingarak; Litzlitz-Visele; Lorediakarkar; Mae; Mafea; Maii; Malmariv; Malo; Malua Bay; Maragus; Marino; Maskelyne Islander; Merelava-Merig; Mewun, Labo; Moruas; Mosin; Mota; Motalava; Mpotovoro; Namakura; Nambas, Big; Napuanmen Tannese; Narango; Nasarian; Navut; Nokuku; North Ambrym Islanders; Northern Efate; Northern Torres Islander; Nume; Orierh; Paama; Piamatsina; Polonombauk; Port Sandwich; Port Vato; Repanbitip; Rerep; Roroia; Sa; Sakau; Shark Bay; Sinesip; Small Nambas, Mbotgote; Southern Efate; Sowa; Tambotalo; Tana, North; Tana, Southwest; Tangoa; Tasiko, Lewo; Tasmate; Tolomako; Toman Islander; Tooga; Tutuba; Unua; Ura; Uripiv-Atchin; Valpei; Vanuatu Melanesian; Vao; Vatrata; Vinmavis; Vunapu; Wailapa; Wetamut; Wusi
Countries where they are found: New Caledonia; Solomon Islands; Vanuatu
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