Photo courtesy of Joshua Project. By Arun Sambhu Mishra - Shutterstock
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People groups: 8
Population: 21,728,700
Unreached people groups: 7
UPG population: 21,657,200
Unengaged UPGs: 1
UUPG population: 15,500
Number of countries: 2
Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples
Overview: The Bhil are one of the largest indigenous tribes of India. They are found throughout western India but their largest concentrations are in southern Rajasthan, western Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and northern Maharashtra. The Bhil language family includes nineteen languages, most spoken only by smaller sub-groups of Bhil. A majority of Bhil speak Hindi and practice Hinduism, though elements of their tribal religion still retain influence.
-- K. S. Singh, People of India, Volume 4. India's Communities A-G. Delhi: Oxford University Press (1998), pp. 428-439
Peoples within this cluster: Bhil; Bhil, Barela; Bhil, Bhilala; Dhori; Marwari Bhil; Sansi; Sansi Bhil; Vayati
Countries where they are found: India; Pakistan
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