Photo courtesy of Joshua Project.
By Anonymous

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People groups: 7

Population: 3,846,000

Unreached people groups: 7

UPG population: 3,846,000

Unengaged UPGs: 1

UUPG population: 29,500

Number of countries: 1

Affinity Bloc: South Asian Peoples

Overview: The Darzi (Darji) community name derives from a Persian word meaning 'to sew'. They are an occupational community employed mainly as tailors. Hindu Darzi are distributed in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Karnataka. Muslim Darzi are largely concentrated in Uttar Pradesh.

Peoples within this cluster: Darzi, Gujarati; Darzi, Hindu; Darzi, Marathi; Darzi, Marwari; Darzi, Muslim; Darzi, Oriya; Darzi, Telugu

Countries where they are found: India

People groups: 7

Population: 3,846,000

Unreached people groups: 7

UPG population: 3,846,000

Unengaged UPGs: 1

UUPG population: 29,500

Number of countries: 1