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People groups: 29
Population: 5,344,550
Unreached people groups: 9
UPG population: 3,903,900
Unengaged UPGs: 3
UUPG population: 34,600
Number of languages: 22
Freedom Index: Free
Threat Level: Exercise Normal Precautions
Physical Exertion: Little
Region: Oceania
Sub-Region: Australia and New Zealand
Languages Spoken: Cook Islands Maori - (rar); Dutch - (nld); English - (eng); Fijian - (fij); Hindi - (hin); Iranian Persian - (pes); Japanese - (jpn); Korean - (kor); Mandarin Chinese - (cmn); Maori - (mri); New Zealand Sign Language - (nzs); Niue - (niu); Pukapuka - (pkp); Rakahanga-Manihiki - (rkh); Samoan - (smo); Standard Arabic - (arb); Standard German - (deu); Tahitian - (tah); Tokelauan - (tkl); Tongan - (ton); Tuvaluan - (tvl); Vietnamese - (vie)
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