Affinity Group: Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Affinity Bloc: Tibetan / Himalayan Peoples

People Cluster: Other Tibeto-Burmese

Language: Mandarin Chinese - (cmn)

Alternate Name(s): Shuitian

Primary Religion: Unaffiliated - Athiesm

Country: China

Also found in:

Population: 19,500

Global Population: 19,500

PEID: 7270

ROP: 114823

Progress of the Gospel: Engaged yet Unreached

Global Status of Evangelical Christianity: Less than 2% Evangelical, No Active CP Activity

Overview: The Lopi of China, numbering 19,500, are Engaged yet Unreached. They are part of the Other Tibeto-Burmese people cluster within the Tibetan / Himalayan Peoples affinity bloc. This people group is only found in China. Their primary language is Mandarin Chinese. The primary religion practiced by the Lopi is atheism, which is best described as the rejection of belief that any deities exist.

Bible Translations: Available

Jesus Film: Available

Gospel Recordings: Available

Radio Broadcast: Available