Affinity Group: Asian Pacific Rim Peoples

Affinity Bloc: Malay Peoples

People Cluster: Filipino, Tribal

Language: Calamian Tagbanwa - (tbk)

Alternate Name(s): Visayan Tribal Sub-cluster, Karamiananen

Primary Religion: Ethnoreligion - Animism

Country: Philippines

Also found in:

Population: 12,500

Global Population: 12,500

PEID: 7704

ROP: 104458

Progress of the Gospel: No Longer Unreached

Global Status of Evangelical Christianity: 5% or Greater but Less than 10% Evangelical

Overview: The Kalamian Tagbanwa of Philippines, numbering 12,500, are No Longer Unreached. They are part of the Filipino, Tribal people cluster within the Malay Peoples affinity bloc. This people group is only found in Philippines. Their primary language is Calamian Tagbanwa. The primary religion practiced by the Kalamian Tagbanwa is animism, a religious worldview that natural physical entities--including animals, plants, and even inanimate objects--possess a spiritual essence.

Bible Translations: Available

Jesus Film: Available

Gospel Recordings: Available

Radio Broadcast: Not Available