Photo courtesy of Joshua Project.
By Jeff and Lindsey Hallett

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People groups: 125

Population: 45,719,400

Unreached people groups: 104

UPG population: 33,861,300

Unengaged UPGs: 36

UUPG population: 7,898,800

Number of countries: 10

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan African

Overview: The Nilotic people cluster encompasses a number of people groups inhabiting the Nile Valley and speaking one or more Nilotic languages. The term 'Nilotic' derives from the Nile Valley. The Ethnologue classifies more than sixty languages as Nilotic, distinguishing these languages and their speakers from the mainly Bantu speaking peoples who are their ethnic neighbors.

Peoples within this cluster: Acholi; Ageer; Alur; Anuak; Atwot; Bale; Bari, Kuku; Beri; Berta; Bodi; Bor; Burun; Datooga; Dholuo; Di'dinga; Dinka, Northeastern; Dinka, Northwestern; Dinka, South Central; Dinka, Southeastern; Dongotono; Donyiro; Fa-c-Aka; Gobato; Gok; Gule; Gumuz; Ingessana (Gaam); Jiye; Jumjum; Jur Luo; Jur Modo; Kacipo-Balesi; Kakwa; Karamojong; Kelo; Kipsigis; Koma; Kumam; Kunama; Kupsabiny; Kwama; Kwegu, Bacha; Langgo; Lango; Lokoro; Lokoya; Lopid; Lotuho; Maaban; Maasai; Maasai, Arusha; Me'en; Mening; Mesengo; Molo; Mondari; Morokodo; Murele; Mursi; Nara; Narin; Ngok-Sobat; Njemps; Nuer, Naath; Nyangatom; Nyangbara; Ongamo; Opuua, Shita; Padhola; Pokot; Sabaot; Samburu; Sebei; Shabo; Shilluk; Suri; Talai; Tennet; Teso; Tirma; Toposa; Tuic; Turkana; Uduk; Western Dinka, Rek

Countries where they are found: Canada; Congo, Democratic Republic of the; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Kenya; South Sudan; Sudan; Tanzania; Uganda; United States

People groups: 125

Population: 45,719,400

Unreached people groups: 104

UPG population: 33,861,300

Unengaged UPGs: 36

UUPG population: 7,898,800

Number of countries: 10