People groups: 26

Population: 18,957,100

Unreached people groups: 24

UPG population: 18,900,100

Unengaged UPGs: 6

UUPG population: 578,600

Number of countries: 4

Affinity Bloc: Sub-Saharan African

Overview: Bantu refers to a large, complex linguistic grouping of peoples in Africa. The Central-Southwest Bantu people cluster encompasses more than twenty ethnic groups primarily located in Angola and northern Namibia. The Umbundu of Angola dominate this cluster. Also known as Mbundu, the Umbundu comprise one-fourth of the population of Angola. Ethnohistorians believe the Mbundus arrived at their present location in the sixteenth century, migrating from central and east-central Africa.

  -- James Olson, The Peoples of Africa: An Ethnohistorical Dictionary. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press (1996). P. 387.

Peoples within this cluster: Bolo; Dhimba; Eunda; Herero; Kwaluudhi; Kwambi; Kwandi; Kwanga; Kwangali; Kwanyama; Luyana; Ndonga; Ngandjera; Nkolonkadhi; Nyaneka; Nyemba; Sama; Umbundu

Countries where they are found: Angola; Botswana; Namibia; Zambia

People groups: 26

Population: 18,957,100

Unreached people groups: 24

UPG population: 18,900,100

Unengaged UPGs: 6

UUPG population: 578,600

Number of countries: 4